REEVE focuses on training personal
sales skills and not on sales processes.
„Solution Selling“ is not a sales
training like many others. It is a change in behavior.
Sales negotiations often end without customers making a decision, largely due
to the lack of effective communication techniques, which normally enable sellers to succeed in these situations.
Clients often have little time or interest in searching for the details. Why?
Every change in an existing system is tedious and requires a significant amount of time and effort, which potentially leads to an uncertain outcome. The result leads to a lack of
motivation to choose a new supplier or to accept a new solution.
This is the reason why the focus in this training is on "WHAT" is relevant for the other party and
"HOW" can the seller communicate the
decisive benefits in a convincing and professional manner. This is developed by using a combination of rhetorical, non-verbal communication skills, in addition to the most crucial
factor - mental attitude – all linked to intensive training and practical elements.